Are you becoming frustrated with your old and slow pc? Some people may be thinking about buying a new pc. But, for some, it may be difficult to afford a new computer. We are here with an affordable and cheaper solution to make your pc like a new one. Xtra-pc is the ultimate solution for your slow pc.
It will boost your pc, bring liveliness, make it faster, and solve all the issues. You can buy Xtra-pc for your pc and make it function like before. Read the whole article to know about this amazing savior of your pc.
A handy but very powerful device that is designed to speed up the computer. Xtra-PC makes your pc more efficient because it can provide high performance. For using Xtra-PC, insert this device into the computer’s USB port. For the first time plugin, it will require internet access for installation. After completing the installation, it can work smoothly without any internet connection.
Remember that, Xtra-PC will work only when it is connected to your computer or laptop. When you remove this device from the PC, it will become as before. The best part is, you can use this same device on several computers to take its advantages.
How Does Xtra-PC Work?
When you use a pc for many years naturally, it becomes slower. Due to a virus, a downgraded system, and overcharging this issue can happen. Many people cannot buy a new pc, or some people don’t want to give up the older pc. In these circumstances, Xtra-PC works like a savior.
It will offer you a brand-new operating system, which is a Linux OS. With this new OS, your pc will remain the same; nothing will change except its slow nature. Linux OS is compatible with all types of computers or laptops. This OS helps your pc to boost up and enable faster performance.
For using Xtra-PC, connect it to the computer’s USB port. After that, you will see a window on the screen. Then, install the program. It will take some time to identify the pc. After completing the installation, restart the pc. Now, a start-up screen will appear; just press the boot menu to proceed. Immediately, you can see the huge transformation of speed in your computer.
The installation process is very easy, that anyone can do this. However, if you feel it difficult to install, you can follow the provided guideline.
Benefits of Xtra-Pc
Xtra-PC not only boosts up your pc, but it has some amazing benefits also. That makes it more useful and unique than others. These benefits are-
Easy for Beginners
It is very tough for some people to download or install Linux on their computers. Xtra-PC makes this process easy for every person with its already installed OS and instructions. So, beginners can easily use this device by following manual guidelines.
Speed Up
After installing Xtra-PC, it bypasses the Linux OS through the USB port to your pc. Thus, it can increase the speed of the old computers. Actually, it’s all about the power of Linux that makes your pc like a new one.
You can do all those things with Xtra-PC that you usually do with the old pc. It keeps all documents, files, data the same as the previous operating system. Also, you can install other apps, browsers, and if needed, personalize the pc.
Hassle-Free Operation
As Xtra PC OS comes with an installed operating system, it allows the pc to work faster. You can browse, download, and watch online videos absolutely buffering-free. When you work on a word or excel file, edit documents, create something, the pc won’t lag or slow down. So, you can do your everyday work without any hassle.
File Rescuer
Xtra-PC’s pro version provides FileRez software. This software can restore all data. For example, if you delete any photos, videos, documents, and files from the old computer, this software can rescue them.
Protection from Malware or Spyware
Malware happens when you surf the web or download any programs or apps. It is caused because of adware and spyware. Different types of ads will appear on the screen when you surf the web or try to open any file. If you click on those ads, it can damage your all data, information, and also the pc.
Spyware can hack all your private information. Xtra-PC prevents your computer from downloading those risky files. It protects the pc from these types of malware and spyware and keeps the pc virus-free.
Safe Web Surfing
When you visit any site, the site owner can track the location or your online activities. With the help of cookies, and based on your IP, they can hack all your information. Moreover, some sites require you to sign in forcefully. So that they can send you ads for promoting their products.
With Xtra-PC, you will feel free to visit any site, surf the web, and download files. It will prevent the pc from those cookies, and no one can identify your location or information.
Is Xtra-Pc Worth to Have?
Xtra-PC can work with all types of pc and laptops. Its Linux OS can speed up or boost any other OS. You can only feel the difference in speed; otherwise, all other things will remain the same. It won’t hamper your existing files. You can customize the pc as you want.
You can experience and enjoy all Linux OS available updates. Xtra-PC is a very cost-effective, easy to handle, and safe device. This device is worth having.
Working on a slow pc is very tiring and frustrating. People cannot focus on their work properly because of this issue. As a result, it can decrease the efficiency of the workplace. For those people, Xtra-PC is the ultimate solution. It will give your old, slow pc a new life. The entire PC will become faster than before. Speeding up the pc, it will also protect your online activities. Xtra-PC will keep your identity and information safe and secure. So, get your Xtra-PC and make the pc faster again.