Using an online document might be an easy activity to do, especially with its specific features that can help you compose the information and contents that you want for your documents. However, it does not stay the same as always. You might also encounter some minor issues when using an online document.
However, the minor issues can be solved in an instant when you are using an online tool. An online tool will be your helping hand to solve the problems in a fast and convenient manner. This article will talk about an online tool that has been in years of service to the public, having its simple and yet straightforward type of service.
GoGoPDF Online Tool
If you are searching for an online tool that can solve the issues that you are now encountering or getting yourself suit up and ready for future issues about your online documents, the best online tool that you can rely on is the GoGoPDF. Their whole platform is built to cater to all of the online document issues that you might need in the future.
Most people are visiting their website because of the need to convert from one format to another. This is one of the scenarios where you need to use specific features from another format. Some online tools that can also help you are PDF Reader, Edit PDF, Rotate PDF, Delete PDF Pages, PDF to PDFA, Number Pages, and a lot more for your online documents needs.
To further explain their platform, you will need to learn how to use the online tools in their website to fully understand how you can use their platform to your advantage for your online documents. Here are some examples of the most used online tools from their platform and how you can use them effectively to aid your online document issues.
Compress PDF
One of the online tools from the platform of GoGoPDF that you should be utilizing for your advantage is the online tool named “Compress PDF.” If you are using online documents for years now and are not familiar with this online tool, you are missing out on a life hack that can save your storage space.
When compressing your PDF files, you are simply squeezing the file size of your documents. The meaning of this is you are removing the unnecessary things about your online document and at the same time reducing the quality of the document to become a smaller size. This can be a convenient option if you are having trouble transferring your online document online.
To start compressing your PDF file, you will need to take a visit to the platform of GoGoPDF, click on the online tool of “Compress PDF,” and you can follow the step by step tutorial on how you can compress your PDF file. Here is an example of how you can start compressing your PDF files.
- Transfer the PDF file into their system.
- The conversion process will now begin.
- Wait for the conversion process to be completed.
- Download the newly converted PDF file.
Merge PDF
Merge PDF is another online tool from their platform to compile the PDF files into a single file. This is a helpful online tool if you need to collect specific PDF files with the same contents or goal. This is usually used in sharing your resume, application letter, and certificates to the company that you want to apply for a job.
Doing this will allow the receiver of the PDF file to have a more comfortable experience in browsing through your PDF file rather than opening the PDF files one by one. Hence, the flexibility of the GoGoPDF to cater to almost every online document needs that you might encounter when using them. Here is an idea of how you can merge your PDF file.
- Transfer the PDF file from your storage into the system of GoGoPDF by uploading your document.
- The conversion process will now start.
- Wait for the conversion process to be completed and let GoGoPDF do all the activity for you.
- Download the newly merged PDF file into your storage of choice.
There are a lot of things we can do to make our online documents better than before. Hence, exploring things like a third-party online tool like GoGoPDF helps you have a more convenient experience in handling your online documents. Choosing the best online tools that suit your needs as changing them without any reason can be a disadvantage for you.