comes to the top of the search results when buying trendy and fancy clothes for women. However, before buying any product, you must know whether it is a legitimate or fake site. We must state that deciding Septchic’s legitimacy might be difficult as it is a new eCommerce platform.
There are few reviews for this shopping site on popular digital review platforms like Sitejabber or Trustpilot. You can still check if is reliable or a scam company by checking their contact address, displayed product images and return policy.
Identifying a fraud company becomes easier by checking its shipping policy and payment methods. Additionally, you must check the shopping site’s location before purchasing any item online. Most fake eCommerce sites offer unrealistic discounts and coupons to online buyers. So, you must check these signs when accessing
Let’s find out whether is a trustworthy or illicit shopping site:
How to Know Septchic.Com is a Scam or Legitimate eCommerce Store?
You might need to understand whether is legit or a scam from its user-friendly interface. However, there are some issues which many customers have found on their website that indicate it might be fake. One of their prime concerns is the absence of the owner’s name on the shopping site.
Legitimate shopping sites mention the owner or founder’s name on their website. Fake e-commerce stores don’t add their name to avoid legal problems. So, we recommend using an alternative platform to Septchic for safe shopping.
Here are the signs that indicate is a scam shopping store:
1. Copied Image and Content
Genuine shopping platforms like Amazon or Shopify use high-quality and unique images to drive customers and sales. However, fake eCommerce sites copy images from these legitimate sites to deceive buyers.
You will find duplicate and low-quality images on, which proves it is a scam shopping site. Moreover, the product descriptions and return policy is copied from other eCommerce stores. The terms of service mentioned on this site are also not genuine. So, these are all indications that is a scam site.
2. Incorrect Company Location
Legitimate shopping companies include their company’s location on their website and social media pages. You can easily find the location in the navigation apps once you copy and paste them from those sites. However, scam eCommerce stores add fake parent company addresses.
Septchic has mentioned that ZC Holding (HK) Limited is their parent company. The address of this company is – 2/F, DAH SING LIFE BLDG, 99-105 DES VOEUX Street C, Focal, HONG. Surprisingly, fake websites like Noracora, MorClothes, PearlFeet and even USnotion use the same address.
Not all these online shopping stores may have the same address or are situated in the same location. So, the fake parent company address is another indicator that proves is a scam.
3. Low Price Products and Unrealistic Discounts offers fashion products like tops, dresses, shoes and sweaters at the lowest price compared to other shopping sites. However, the prices of women’s clothing are so low that it is almost hard to believe.
Another surprising fact is that Septchic’s product prices are way below the production cost. This factor made customers think that is an illegitimate shopping site.
Moreover, this online shopping platform offers 50% discounts on all goods. Most scam sites offer huge product discounts to increase sales and conversion rates. This type of discount and deals are pretty common in scam shopping sites.
4. No Contact Details
There must be a valid contact number or email address if the shopping site. Missing contact information on the eCommerce platform indicates it is fake. You won’t find any customer service number or contact address on
This means you can’t contact the customer service representatives even if they don’t deliver the product. Moreover, you can’t even send mail about the missing or damaged item received from Though they have provided an email address on the site, it is also fake.
5. Fake Customer Reviews
You might find plenty of customer reviews on the Septchic site. The fact is that you will see negative reviews on leading shopping sites like Amazon. However, there is no single complaint about their product quality or late deliveries.
So, it can be clearly stated that the reviews on are fake. Fake products and customer reviews are another sign of a scam shopping platform. It will be better not to buy any products from if you are concerned about their legitimacy.
Is It Safe to Shop from
Although has a return policy, there is no return address. Thus, you can’t request a return and exchange if the company has misplaced your order or has stains on it. Besides, has only a 3% trust score.
This online shopping platform has received only 2.5 stars from most buyers on Sitejabber. Most of them are dissatisfied with the products they have purchased from It has ranked 2153 among all the eCommerce stores dealing with women’s clothing, which isn’t impressive. accepts only a limited number of payment gateways, which might be inconvenient for customers. Another thing is that this digital shopping platform doesn’t have any social media presence. You will see no social media links if you access their website, which proves it is a total scam.
How Long Does Septchic.Com Take to Ship the Products? delivers the products only in limited countries, including Brazil and the United States. Mexico and Canada. The shipping time will vary from one country to another. Moreover, this shopping site displays an estimated delivery time based on the time to prepare the product for shipment.
They estimate the shipping cost based on how much the package weighs and the country where it will be delivered. offers only 2 types of shipping options – Expedited and Standard shipping.
How much do the shipping processes cost? Customers must pay US$3.99 to receive their product via Standard Shipping. It takes 7-14 business days to receive the product in this shipping option.
On the other hand, Expedited Shipping might cost you US$15.99 or more. If you choose this shipping method, receiving the product will take at least 3-6 business days. So, Expedited Shipping takes less time to deliver items than Standard Shipping.
How Does the Septchic.Com Return Policy Work? imposes some restrictions about returning the products available on their site. Customers must return the purchased products within 14 days of receiving the package. This eCommerce store doesn’t accept used and damaged products.
It is important to have the product’s original packaging quality for the return. The package must be intact, and there should be no sign of wear and tear. Buyers will pay a penalty fee if the package is in bad condition. won’t refund the money if such a thing happens. The company doesn’t pay the return shipping fee, so customers will be responsible.
How to Return a Product at Septchic.Com? doesn’t accept final sales or clearance items for return. Swimwear is not eligible for return and can’t even be exchanged. Buyers can return the swimwear only if it is defective, damaged or in case of wrong delivery.
Returning products on is easy. Access this shopping site and log in to your account with the correct credentials. Head to the Tracking Order section from the home page and enter your email address when prompted.
Write the order number in the blank box and tap the “Return” button to submit your return request. Though, claims to send an authorisation and return address in your email within 48 hours, customers never receive it.
Thus, returning the damaged or defective product will be impossible without a proper address. This is why shopping at won’t be ideal, and this eCommerce store is not worth the money. So, find a reliable and easy-to-use shopping site to buy the required products at the best price.