The screen is considered to be the most fragile part of a smartphone. It can break after an accidental drop. You can’t use the phone without repairing or replacing the cracked screen. Most smartphone users take an expert’s help to fix the damaged screen. However, you can do that without any technical experience or skill.
Scratches and cracks are inevitable if the phone has no protective case. Thus, you must use a protective screen to avoid further damage. Moreover, there is plenty of phone screen repair centres. However, knowing how to fix the cracked screen can save costly repair expenses.
Different Types of Phone Screen Cracks & the Time it Takes to Repair them
Well, it will take more time to repair a moderate screen crack than the minor one. Thus, depending on the extent of the damage, it may take different times to repair the screens.
Now, let’s get to know about the major-minor screen cracks and the time to fix them:
Minor Phone Screen Cracks
Minor phone cracks refer to those which don’t obstruct the phone’s view. These cracks won’t also disrupt the touch-screen functions. You can continue using the phone if there are minor cracks on display. However, it will be better to repair the screen as a minor crack can also cause damage to the screen.
Some phone owners place a screen protector over the cracks to prevent further damage. However, you should consider doing something other than that. Instead, use cyanoacrylate glue to seal the small cracks. It will take less than 6-7 minutes to fix this minor phone screen crack.
Major Phone Screen Cracks
This type of screen crack usually appears when the phone falls on a hard surface. Major cracks on display will prevent you from using the phone. Moreover, the device’s touchscreen will stop responding after the accidental drop.
A smartphone’s major screen cracks need immediate repair. Otherwise, it might damage the phone’s internal parts. Thus, get the right-sized screen for the phone and the required repair tools. Remove the cracked screen and install a new one. It can take 2-3 hours to complete the scream replacement process.
Moderate Screen Damage
Is the screen cracks obstructing the phone’s view? Then, try to rotate the screen to check the blurred part. However, if that doesn’t fix the issue, you must opt for an immediate screen repair. It might take approximately 1-2 hours to fix the screen. However, it may take more if you don’t have the required tools.
Significant Screen Damage
These cracks look like spider webs on the Android or iOS device screen. Usually, these phone screen cracks can affect the touch screen if not repaired on time. Don’t try to use toothpaste or other solutions to fix this screen. Instead, replace the cracked screen with a new one.
Do you have the right p[hone screen? Then, you can complete the screen replacement process within 2-3 hours. After repairing the cracked screen, turn on the phone and check if the touchscreen is working. If not, you must take an expert’s help to fix the issue as soon as possible.
How Long Does a Professional Take to Repair the Cracked Phone Screen?
Professional experts have years of experience in repairing phone screens. They will take less than one hour to fix the cracked display. The technicians with more than 6-7 years of experience can repair the screen within 30 minutes. Thus, book an appointment with an expert if you want to fix the screen quickly.
Does the Phone Model Affect the Time to Repair the Cracked Screen?
The phone model is integral in determining the time to repair the screen. It takes more time to replace a screen with a new one than the old one. Because the latest phones have complex structures. Thus, it can take 3-4 hours to remove the existing screen and install the new one.
How Long Does it Take to Replace the Entire Smartphone screen?
It takes approximately 2 hours to change the entire phone screen. However, you must only replace the entire screen if the touchscreen isn’t working. Otherwise, there is no need to invest in a new smartphone screen.
How Can You Repair the Cracked Phone Screen?
Assemble the required tools to repair the cracked Android phone screen. You should have mini screwdrivers, plastic wedges and tweezers. Additionally, phone users may need a craft scalpel while replacing the screen. Once you get the phone screen repair tools, follow these steps to fix it:
Open the Smartphone Cover
Remove the phone’s rear cover and battery and locate the Torx screws. These screws will be located beside the USB port or in the battery compartment. Did you find the phone’s Torx screws? Then, unmount them using the Torx screwdriver. Remove the ribbon cables by disconnecting them from their connectors.
Remove the Cracked Screen
By now, you might have opened the phone’s front cover. Now, it’s time to soften the adhesive with a blower or heat gun. Then, push through the camera hole against the screen to gently remove it from the body.
Change the Adhesive
You must use a strong adhesive to attach the phone screen. Otherwise, you may experience technical glitches after replacing the screen. There are many adhesives available to stick the screen to the phone frame, and use the best one and apply it on the frame and attach a compatible screen afterwards.
Install the New Phone Screen
Remove the phone screen’s protective strips after applying the adhesive. Push the screen in the right place and check if it’s attached to the adhesive. Don’t exert much pressure on the middle of the phone display. It could cause damage to the phone’s new screen.
Reconnect the ribbon cables once you install the screen. Mount the Torx screws using the flat screwdrivers. Then, put the battery on and attach the phone cover. Restart the phone and check if the screen works.
Consult with a Technician!
Is the phone screen not working after the replacement? Contact an expert to fix the issue. They will check whether you have installed the correct screen for the phone.
The expert will also help you to replace the phone screen within minutes.